PORT JUVEE: (www.portjuvee.com/) CALGARY | Although Calgary upstarts PORT JUVEE (formerly BLEACHERS) embody a style that's equally indebted between California and NYC, the Canadian Prairies is where they decide to call home. The 5-piece run a sound that seamlessly combines bright guitar leads, baritone style vocals and a pounding rhythm section.
- Half the Time I'd Rather Be Waiting (0:00)
- The Witching Hours (3:08)
- Revenge (5:49)
- Time to Burn (9:29)
- Toe The Line (12:10)
- All That's Fine (15:29)
- Rooks (18:48)
UNWED MOTHERS: (www.unwedmothersmusic.com/) EDMONTON | A young, up and coming blues/indie-rock project from Edmonton, AB. Julie Adams fronts the band with her raspy power-house vocals, constantly surprising audiences with the level of sound that can emerge from such a tiny body, and the band commands the stage with catchy riffs and airtight playing.
- 1. Wake Up (23:45)
- Slow (27:55)
- For You (33:20)
Livestock Online is an online concert series that showcases Alberta music members in an intimate and stripped-down setting. The series is professionally filmed & recorded at Naked Cafe in Alberta Music's office building, located in downtown Edmonton. This project supports a variety of genres and a wide range of experience, from emerging talent to artists already starting to develop a market internationally.
Filmed at the Naked Cafe in Edmonton Alberta
Produced and Recorded by Jesse Northey and Alberta Music
Thanks to Bob at Naked Cafe, Kirby at Ramparts Entertainment, and Keshia Bundred.